Shared Configuration In Azure File Share

Adrian Jenkins
3 min readSep 14, 2023


This guide assumes you have already created a Storage Account and Azure File Share resources.

1. Get Storage Account Name & Access Key

Go to your Storage account > Access Keys

  • Storage account name: testingstorageaj
  • Access Key: ***

Take note of both in a notepad.

2. Create Local User Account

We need to create a local user account with the same name as the Storage Account and with the same password as well.

Open Computer Management > Local Users and Groups > Users > <right click and create user>.

  • Username: <same as Storage Account Name>
  • Password: <Access Key>

Also, check the following options:

[X] User cannot change password
[X] Password never expires

3. Add Newly Created Account to IIS_IUSRS Group

While in Computer Management go to >Local Users and Groups > Groups

4. Mount Azure File Share In Windows

Go to your Azure File Share and get the URL.

In my case:

There are two option to mount the drive, we can use “net use” or “New-PSDrive”.

Net use

net use <drive-letter>: \\<storage-account-name>\<share-name> /u:<storage-account-name> <storage-account-key>


NOTE: In the URL you will have to replace forward slash / with backward slash \

net use Z: \\\testfileshare /u:testingstorageaj <Access Key>


You can get the PowerShell script by going into your File Share > Browse > Connect > Windows > SELECT-LETTER > STORAGE ACCOUNT KEY AUTH > Show Script.

Copy that command and run in in your machine.

Either option you choose, at the end of the day you should see your drive in the file explorer:

5. Exporting Shared Configuration Into Azure File Share

I have created a directory called “sharedconfig” in the File Share, so we save the shared configuration files in here.

Open IIS Manager > Server Level > Shared Configuration > Export Configuration

  • Physical Path: \\\testfileshare\sharedconfig

“Connect as” and use your local account that matches name with the Storage Account:

  • Username: testingstorageaj
  • Password: <Access Key>

Then, for Encryption Keys you will have to set a password, which is DIFFERENT of the Access Key.

For my password I will use “azureUser123.”.

If all goes well configuration would have been exported and you should be able to see it in the Azure File Share:

6. Enabling Shared Configuration

IIS Manager > Server Level > Shared Configuration >

[X] Enable Shared Configuration

Set credentials:

  • Username: testingstorageaj
  • Password: <Access Key>

If successfull, it will prompt you for the encryption key. Mine is “azureUser123.”.

Restart IIS by opening CMD and “iisreset /noforce”.

That should be it.




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