SSO With IE Mode

Adrian Jenkins
3 min readJul 1, 2022


Having Issues with IE Mode and SSO?

Say you already have home page in IE Mode.


However, you are having issues using SSO and users cannot login successfully.

In my case, when I try to log in, for a few moments I noticed that I get out of IE mode and, I got redirected to other sites. At the end of the process, I got back to my “home” page but without signing in.

After I click “Sign in” I get redirected to:


Set my credentials and then redirected to:


<Noticed we got out of IE mode>

And then, back to “” without signing in.

In order for SSO process to be successful, we need to stay in one mode, either IE mode or Edge. But it has to be the same mode throughout the whole process.

We need to add those sites to our “.xml” list as neutral sites. In doing so, it will follow the process that kicked it off.

If redirections happen fast, you can take Fiddler, “.har” or “edge://export” trace to identify URL that has SSO, AUTH, LOGIN. Typically, these URL’s will be long ones.

Identified “”:

Identified “”:

Now, we need to add them to our list and “Open In: None”.

Export the “.xml”. Close Edge and open it again.

And now I can log in successfully:

Browse to “” > Sign In.

<Noticed we are still in IE mode>




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