What Is Strict Transport Security (HSTS)?

Adrian Jenkins
2 min readOct 17, 2024


Why Strict Transport Security Header?

  • Requests HTTP are not encrypted and they are vulnerable since information is plain-text.
  • Typically, the user’s first request happens over HTTP, user rarely types “https://”.
  • Browsers may by default try HTTPS, but often user access the website over a link that was provided and that link may be over HTTP.
  • Normally, if the server recieves an HTTP connection, it will do a redirection (301) and will tell the client to connect over HTTPS.
  • Everything over HTTPS is protected, however, that very first connection that happen over HTTP is a possible attack vector for an attacker.
  • HSTS work against SSL Stripping Attacks, where an attacker intercepts that very first HTTP connection from the client, makes that same request but over HTTPS to the server.
  • Client makes HTTP request to the server.
  • Attacker in the middle intercepts this requests.
  • Attacker sends this very same request to the server but over HTTPS.
  • Server replies normally to this HTTPS requests,without actually knowing that this is a on-path attack (man-in-the-middle). Let’s just assume the the server is asking for credentials.
  • The attacker takes the response, decrypts it (because actual conversation over HTTPS is happening between attacker and server) and sends this response to the actual client over HTTP.
  • Client receives page. As far as the client is concern, it asked for an HTTP website and it received an HTTP website.
  • Client provides credentials. These credentials are sent over HTTP to the attacker.
  • The attacker can either use or record those credentials.
  • This is a diagram illustrating concept above (trying my best with diagrams lol):



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